Our Project
Pepsico, Sete Lagoas

400 m2 solar field; 0.25 MWth
SeteLagoas, Brazil
65 to 80ᣞC
450 MWhth/y (1,125 kWh/y/m2)
Process heat
55,200 m3/y of natural gas
Engineering and solar plant supply (construction contracted to a local qualified EPC)
103 ton/y of CO2

A giant multinational in the food & beverage industry, PepsiCo, committed to reduce Scope 1 GHG emissions in its factories as part of its corporate ESG goals. Solar thermal is required to deliver process hot water for several daily washing of a single production line of various snacks while cutting natural gas use.
TVP integrates the client process hot water circuit with a water-to-water heat exchanger. Multiple washing cycles of the production line of snacks have been moved during daylight hours to maximize solar coverage; the existing natural gas driven burners are now just a back-up the solar thermal system.
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