Our Project

1'050 m2 solar field; 0.7 MW
Racconigi, Italy
55 to 75ᣞC
Energy Utility
917 MWh/year (873kWh/y/m2)
District Heating
125,000 m3/y of natural gas
250 ton/y of CO2

A leading multinational energy utility and distributor, ENGIE, is required by Italian law to
decarbonize its district heat network, substituting natural gas with renewable heat. Solar
thermal is required to have a significant load coverage even in winter with poor irradiance and
sub-zero climate.
TVP to deliver 12 months per year consistent renewable heat above 75ᣞC. TVP integrates
under the SCADA an innovative HTF anti-freeze control system, to avoid the use of glycol.
We implement your ideas.
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